Florist choice bouquet


Celebrate Mother’s Day  with our exquisite Florist Choice Bouquet, crafted to perfection by our skilled florists in Erdington and Sutton Coldfield. Overflowing with a vibrant array of fresh flowers, this bouquet is a heartfelt tribute to the extraordinary mothers figures  in your life. From stunning roses to scented, each bloom is carefully selected to convey your love and appreciation.

Florist choice bouquet: we will select the best blooms available on the day to create your arrangement.

Paradise Blooms’ bouquets are wrapped in kraft paper and presented in a vase or kraft box.

Please note the bouquet may differ from the image displayed

Order now to ensure a bouquet delivery and make this Mother’s Day one to remember.


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Select Size

Classic £50, Deluxe £80, Standard £45.00, Statement £100, Classic £40, Ex Large £70